Big Changes For Australian Made Logo
Australia’s Nation Brand Advisory Council has decided to rebrand the iconic Australian Made kangaroo logo, opting for a mor
| 1st July 2020
Australia’s Nation Brand Advisory Council has decided to rebrand the iconic Australian Made kangaroo logo, opting for a more abstract look instead.
It was argued the kangaroo is internationally recognisable, but it falls short when representing not as well known Australian assets such as education and technology.
The modern logo is meant to represent the Australian native flower of Wattle, but not everyone is impressed with the change. NSW MP Mark Coure even shared his opinion on Twitter, comparing the new logo to a virus.
Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said the new logo would not completely replace the green and gold kangaroo, with $5 million in funding being provided to increase the kangaroo’s recognition. It’s understood the kangaroo we all know will remain the logo on Australian made products, while the new wattle logo will only be used by business, industry and government agencies.
What do you think of this new logo? A modern take on an Australian icon or a confusing change that isn’t necessary?
Which do you prefer?