Easy step by step guide to setting up your new email.
*For most Android smartphone models.
Step 1:
Tap the Applications icon.
The Applications icon can vary from device to device but should look like a collection/rows of squares. This icon can generally be found on your home screen.
Step 2:
Within your applications locate and select Email.
You will then need to enter your email address and password then choose Email Setup.
Step 3:
Tap the account type you wish to use – to set up the email associated with your website you need to select POP3.
You then will be prompted to enter the email settings information provided to you when your email account was created: username (your email), password, your server and the security type.
Step 4:
The next screen is where you will enter the server information supplied to you.
When finished select Next.
Step 5:
Set your personal preferences in any way that suits you.
Step 6:
Finally you will be asked to set your account and display names. Once complete tap next and you are all ready to go.
You can access your email via webmail from any internet browser using the details below:
Username: Your full email address
Password: Your email password